Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnaviy🕌🕌

Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnaviy

May 8, 2023.

 Today with our groupmates we visited Khoja Mahnud Anjir Fagnavi pilgrimage cite.

Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi was born in the village of Anjir Fagni, Vobkent district, and died there. The current name of this village is Anjirbog.

Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi learned the science of life and science from Hazrat Khoja Arif Revgari. According to Ali Safi's book "Rashahotu Ainul Hayat", Khwaja Ali ar-Romitani asked Khizr, peace be upon him: "Who can hold the skirt of this age, saying that it is the age?" When he asked, Khizr, peace be upon him, said: "Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi is the murshid of this era!" those who say Khizr peace be upon him. According to his recommendation, Khwaja Ali ar-Romitani became a murid of Khwaja Mahmud. A new mausoleum was built over the graves of Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi, a pool and a mosque were built next to the mausoleum, and this place became a prosperous place of pilgrimage.

   Thanks for your attention !!☺️ 💐 🙂 😊 👍 😘 


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